Giant Lazer – VR/AR application developer

Our mission:
- To improve the way we learn, work and develop our skills.
- To create offer applications for business partners, schools, universities, and public entities.
- And to use our abilities for nature and climate protection.
VR/AR for industry companies

VR/AR for business

media mentions
public speaking events and conferences
Media mentions
2023/06/12 VIVE Business
Becoming a Cybersecurity Hero: Hackers in Disguise with VIVE
Discover modern technologies at the Cyber Security Forum in Wroclaw
Forum Cyberbezpieczeństwa we Wrocławiu [PL]
2022/12/11 Magazyn T3
VR by HTC Vive: Wirtualna rzeczywistość w biznesie [PL]
2022/11/24 Immersion Festival
Pochylnie na Kanale Elbląskim [PL]
2022/11/16 Techno Senior
Wirtualna rzeczywistość w biznesie [PL]
2022/11/16 Brandsit
W jaki sposób polskie firmy wykorzystują VR? [PL]
2022/11/16 TELIX.PL
W jaki sposób Polskie formy wykorzystują VR – Wirtualne warsztaty VIVERSE HTC VIVE [PL]
2022/11/06 Gazeta Wrocławska
Wrocław jest trzecim w Polsce producentem gier komputerowych. Stąd pochodzą gry, które zna cały świat! [PL]
2022/09/29 Vive Business
Agricultural University of Kraków takes veterinary training into VR
How Lower Silesians from the medical industry are doing business in Miami, Florida
2022/06/06 Techno Senior
Education through VR conquers the world
of science – summer promotion
2022/06/01 PR News Wire
Content is King as Immerse Introduces
First Wave of Marketplace Partners and VR Modules
2022/05/24 PR News Wire
Immerse Announces the Launch
of Ground-Breaking “Immerse Marketplace”
2022/03/15 Gazeta Wyborcza
2022/03/11 Gazeta Wrocławska
Opening of Giant Lazer’s XR Lab at WSB in Wrocław
2022/03/11 dolnyslask24h
A laboratory for creating virtual worlds
and augmenting reality was established at WSB
Take a look at the VR Laboratory
2022/03/10 tuOława
They create virtual worlds and expand reality
2022/03/10 Forum Akademickie
They will create virtual worlds and augment the reality
Virtual reality is not only computer games.
A VR laboratory was established at WSB
2022/03/07 Startup Wroclaw
IT specialists from WSB in Wroclaw discover Virtual Reality
2022/02/28 Wrocławskie Fakty
Giant Lazer XR Lab opening at WSB Wrocław
2021/10/20 Radio Rodzina
Made in Wrocław 2021. New technologies boosting the business
2021/07/09 Business Insider
Innovative Companies powered by the Economic Accelerator
2021/06/09 Biznes.GazetaPrawna
Business 4.0 is ready to start
2021/05/03 Radio LUZ
2021/05/03 Radio GRA
Interview about the work organization in Giant Lazer
2021/17/02 XR Today
What Part Does AR Play in the Future of Enterprise?
2021/08/02 Meloradio
An interview about The Climate Lab project.
Giant Lazer focuses on climate education. They create The Climate Lab
2020/12/07 Virtual Reality Marketing
We got to hurry with love for smartphone screens. The technology that will replace them is here
2020/11/27 Platforma Przemysłu Przyszłości
Head-worn AR device – for inspection in logistics
Wroclaw’s Giant Lazer on the world XRSPACE Manova platform
2020/02/16 Wiadomości TVP
A Polish startup appreciated overseas
2020/02/7 VRFocus
Top 10 educational apps of 2019
Will Trash Rage from Wrocław conquer the USA?
2020/01/14 Wrocławskie Fakty
Going Global – economic diplomacy for Lower Silesian entrepreneurs
2020/01/13 TuWroclaw
The Marshal’s Office will help companies promote themselves in the world
2019/10/27 Radio LUZ
Interview with Jakub Korczyński about the Trash Rage project
2019/07/10 HTC Vive Blog
Clean up the planet with awesome robot arms in Trash Rage from Giant Lazer
2019/05/11 VRScout
‘Trash Rage’ Blends VR Gaming With Environmental Education
2018/07/03 –
Lower Silesia in virtual reality. New applications
2018/04/07 – Radio Wrocław
Program without VAT – about the development of Giant Lazer, applications of VR and AR technologies in business and educational games
2018/04/06 – Radio RAM
FutuRAM – ecological game Trash Rage from Wrocław, VR, AR, smart glass and Pokémon
2018/04/16 –
Logistikfirma anvender VR til at træne chaufførerne i inspektion af trailere
2017/12/06 –
The first educational VR game was created in Wrocław
2017/11/09 – vrHunters
Virtual Reality in industry – app examples
2017/11/06 –
The brain knows you are cheating. Why is surround sound important in VR productions
2016/08/31 –
Virtual reality in the campaign
2016/08/30 –
The network focused on virtual reality in its marketing campaign
2016/06/10 –
MK Cafe enters virtual reality
Articles by Giant Lazer specialists
2019/12/5 Mateusz Tokarski wrote an article for the Benefit magazine
Virtual reality in the onboarding process
2017/10/23 – Mateusz Tokarski wrote an article on Medium
Virtual Reality Applications for Industry — Case Studies
2016/10/13 – Mateusz Tokarski wrote an article on (in Polish)
Virtual Reality In The Real World. How to use it in marketing?
Public speaking
2023/11/25 – Marta Jakubek conducted a lecture during Conference “Digital imaging and virtual reality” at the Medical University
of Warsaw
The use of VR technology in medicine (stomatology and anatomy)
2023/04/14 – Aleksandra Szlacheta conducted lecture during Cybersecurity Forum Wrocław
The use of VR (virtual reality) technology in business
2023/03/16 – Aleksandra Szlacheta spoke during EAZA Education Conference in ZOO Wrocław
VR & AR in education: how are these technologies raising climate awareness?
2023/02/08 – Aleksandra Szlacheta conducted workshops during Open Days at the WSB University in Wrocław
Meet the Lab XR, which combines technologies and creates a new dimension of the virtual world
2022/07/27-29 – Paulina Sroka-Kopeć represented Giant Lazer during the FIME Show – Miami
Our expert showcased Giant Lazer’s VR solutions for healthcare and cybersecurity
2022/06/9-11 – Mateusz Tokarski spoke during the Business Forum Dolny Śląsk – Luksemburg
Our Co-CEO spoke about the specific of VR/AR app development.
2021/12/4-8 – Jakub Korczyński represented Giant Lazer company during the Dubai EXPO 2020
CEO presented the innovative approach to VR/AR/MR development as well as the Company (Un)Hacked training project
2021/11/26 – Mateusz Tokarski conducted a workshop during the National Scientific Conference of Young Logistics “POLLOGUS 2021”
Virtual and augmented reality technologies in logistics of the future
2021/10/27 – Giant Lazer as one of the nominees for “Gryf” Business Award
The company was nominated in an “ecologically aware business” category
2021/10/20 – Jakub Korczyński and Michał Rypel spoke at the MadeIn Wroclaw conference
Presentation of the Trash Rage AR mobile game project
2021/10/09 – Jakub Korczyński and Michał Rypel spoke at the Carbon Footprint Summit
A climate-conscious team doesn’t need a CSR.
2021/09/30 – Mateusz Tokarski spoke at the “Discovering the secrets of
VR & AR. How are immersive technologies changing Polish business?” conference
The latest augmented reality solutions for innovative business and industry 4.0
2021/05/17 – Jakub Korczyński spoke at AGH University of Science and Technology
The development process of VR games and applications
2021/03/18 – Mateusz Tokarski spoke at Microsoft EdTech Day
Presentation of VR and AR potential for business
2019/04/16 – Mateusz Tokarski spoke for the logistics students at PWSZ’s Institue of Natural Science and Technology – Wałbrzych
Spatial computing (VR, AR, smartglass) and new challenges in logistics
2019/02/01 – Mateusz Tokarski and Jakub Korczyński conducted TechKlub meeting – Zielona Góra
Virtual and augmented reality in education, business and NGO activities
2018/05/22 – Jakub Korczyński speaking at AmWay Innovation Day
– Krakow
VR and AR use cases in marketing and print
2018/05/15 – Jakub Korczyński as panelist at European Economic Congress 2018 – Warsaw
Can VR and AR bring real business benefits?
2018/04/24 – Jakub Korczyński speaking at TEDx WSB – Wroclaw
Future of technology – a dark dystopia or a bright future of abundance for all?
2018/03/22 – Mateusz Tokarski speaking at Logistic Conference 2018 –
Bratislava, Slovakia
Seeking productivity gains with virtual reality
2018/03/09 – Mateusz Tokarski at the experts panel
4th Scientific Conference Logistics 2018 “Logistics in management sciences”
2017/05/23 – Jakub and Maciej speaking at European VR Congress – Warsaw
VR Audio, Hearing Virtual Reality
2017/05/12 – Jakub and Mateusz presenting at Accenture All Hands Meeting – Dresden
VR / AR Applications For Industry
2017/04/05 – Jakub Korczyński speaking at Make IT Simple – WSB University in Wrocław
How Virtual Reality Can Change The World
2016/11/24 – Jakub Korczyński speaking at LXVI Marketing Evening in Częstochowa
How we destroyed a bus for, From 360 Video to a Marketing Campaign
2016/11/17 – Jakub Korczyński speaking at VR Warsaw Day
How we destroyed a bus for, From 360 Video to a Marketing Campaign
2016/10/25 – Mateusz Tokarski speaking at Aula Polska – Wrocław
#odbijamyIzaka – 360° Video Marketing Campaign Case Study
2016/10/14 – Mateusz Tokarski speaking at EastBiz – Białystok
#odbijamyIzaka – 360° Video Marketing Campaign Case Study
2016/05/31 – Jakub Korczyński speaking at Startup Mixer – Wrocław
Virtual Reality Applications
Our team

Jakub / CEO & Technology Director

Mateusz / Co-CEO & Creative Director

Marcin / Lead Tech 3D Artist

Paulina / Head of Operations

Angelika / HR & Administrative Specialist

Aleksandra / Junior Marketing Specialist

Marcin / 2D Graphic Designer

Bartosz / Unity Developer

Jakub / Unity Developer

Agnieszka / 3D Graphic Designer

Katarzyna / Junior Quality Assurance

Łukasz / Unity Developer

Michał / Junior Unity Developer

Wiktoria / Narrative & Story Designer

Mikołaj / 3D Artist