VR training on the market goods display
Creating a convenient training application that reflects the real requirements of the work environment
- From the point of view of a distributor of goods, e.g. yoghurts, it is important how many shelves and shelves are taken up by the products delivered by him, and how they are arranged on the shelves. The number of the so-called facings guaranteed in the store for the products of a given distributor are subject to negotiation, as are the financial conditions.
Training in VR engages muscle memory because in virtual reality we perform basically the same movements in space as those we would make while lining up goods on a real store shelf.
Łatwa we wdrożeniu i czytelna aplikacja szkoleniowa
- Brak konsekwencji popełnienia błędów przez początkujących w przeciwieństwie do treningu w prawdziwym sklepie
- Zminimalizowanie potrzeby zaangażowania trenera. Szkolący może samodzielnie przejść przez szkolenie
- Aplikacja automatycznie dokonuje oceny postępu osoby szkolonej

Gathering project assumptions

Defining user journey

Designing the gameplay

3D graphics creation
and programming

Adaptation to target devices
1. The user can view the list of guidelines for employees
- learns the location of individual brands of products on specific shelves
- exercises the placement of products according to grammage and rotation
- can understand the contraindications for the location of certain products in its immediate vicinity
2. Based on the acquired knowledge, the user proceeds to the exercises:
- the most important part of the application is the module testing the way of arranging goods on shelves based on the provided guidelines
- the application returns information for each product whether it has been placed in the correct place and according to the rules specified on the list

The application can also be used to design the layout of shelves for distributors and to create patterns for sales representatives, and as a recruitment task for candidates for a market employee

- Success # 1 | Immediate training
Our training application available on VR goggles is the key to effective employee education. By choosing this innovative training method, companies can plan their courses without a hitch, without having to book appointments with external instructors.
- Success # 2 | Learning step by step
The best way to acquire knowledge is to gradually go through the next steps of education – from reviewing the content and issues, through performing exercises and getting used to tasks, and ending with modules testing knowledge and skills. The VR application allows for free learning, error correction, as well as a stress-free and efficient course.
- Success # 3 | Easily customize tasks
The application is ready to be adapted to various types of recipients and to various types of stores. It will also work well as initial training, an application for presenting the product layout, and prototyping shelves in storage space.